Online Check-in System
This section will include a description of the platform for the project of Online Check-in System. It will include such things as system architecture, database type, Browser requirements, etc.
System will be built upon ASP.Net framework.
Server that is capable of running 2008 Server
Windows 2008 Server
IIS 7.0 or above
.Net Framework 3.5 or above
IE 10+
FireFox 4+
User Interaction
Screen Formatting
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) should be used for all formatting.
Dates and times will be formatted in same format.
Any numeric values displayed in a column which have a consistent number of digits after the decimal point (e.g., currencies, quantities) should be right aligned.
All text fields will have a maxlength attribute set to the maximum allowable or reasonable size for that value.
All forms will use server-side validation. Unless specified otherwise, if any fields fail validation, the form will be re-presented to the user, with the invalid field highlighted and an error message stating the error.
Auto focus on the first form field when page is first loaded.
Paging: Unless otherwise specified, all tables are not paged
Sorting: Major columns in major tables are sortable. The user can click column headers to sort table based on sortable columns. Each click will alternate sort order between ASC and DESC. Initial sort order is ASC unless otherwise specified.
The following links will open a new window:
PDF,3rd party sites
All other link will open in current window